The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Saskatchewan is the governing body for Royal Arch Masons in Saskatchewan. There are currently 10 chapters in the province and approximately 265 members. The first step of York Rite Masonry, Chapters of Royal Arch confers three degrees: Mark Master Mason, Most Excellent Master and Royal Arch Mason.
The Mark Master Degree is a continuation of the lessons taught in the Fellowcraft Degree and teaches the candidate of how to earn his wages, how to prove work is his own and the penalty for fradulently attempting to obtain wages for work that was not his own.
In the Most Excellent Master Degree, the candidate views the completion and dedication of King Solomon'sTemple to God's service. This degree represents a transition from labour and learning to teaching and sharing and is a call to action - from student to teacher, from Apprentice to Master and from follower to leader.
The Royal Arch Degree is the climax of Ancient Craft Freemasonry. Here, the veils are lifted and the candidate discovers the "true secrets" that were deemed lost in the Master Mason degree.
Saskatchewan Royal Arch Masons support Royal Arch Research Assistance, which provides support to individuals with Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). This hearing deficiency prevents those afflicted to distinguish sounds that can be heard by those with regular hearing. For further information aobut RARA and CAPD, please see the following: